Saturday, October 17, 2015

Just a Normal Friday

Have you ever had a day at work where you weren't harassed, threatened, tortured, heckled or abused? Yeah.. me neither.

Actually to be honest, this Friday started off pretty good. I sat at my desk and wasn't bothered for an ENTIRE HOUR (Normally, if I get just five minutes of peace it's a lucky day).

Unfortunately, 10AM quickly arrived and the wolves awoke from their slumber. The rest of the day went on as follows..

Brief Summary (10:01 A.M. to Lunchtime)
(Colleague randomly coming over to my desk and stating this "fact")
"It's interesting how this company has gone straight downhill since you started working here."

(Colleague questioning my job & work ethic.)

(Just a plain insult.)
"You're a terrible person."

(An observation?)
"You bring out the worst in everybody."

(After asking my colleague a work related question.)
"Can you shut up?"

This was definitely the best time of the day. I got my one pound Cheeseburger from Fuddruckers and it was amazing as usual. I still don't know how they cook it so well in only five to ten minutes!

After Lunchtime
This happiness was short lived. I returned to my desk only to find a letter sitting on my keyboard. It was a very similar looking envelope to the blackmail I received from the previous week. The only difference was that my first name on this envelope was spelled correctly. I opened the letter and it read as follows:

If you can't read the letter above, here is what it says:

9:13 A.M.




Who Keeps Blackmailing Me???
I believe this is a conspiracy involving two customer "care" members and my "good buddy".

Reason #1. Customer "Care" Member A occasionally walks past my cubicle and looks over at me, smiling as if she had done something wrong/ is plotting against me.

Reason #2. Customer "Care" Member B took a picture of me through the window one day prior. (Trying to get proof that I arrived to work late).

Reason #3. Customer Care members are among the select few that have main access to this security camera.

Reason #4. These two Customer "Care" members were in the same office as "my good buddy" right after the letter was placed on my keyboard (Many of my other co-workers were not back from lunch yet, but these three were).

Reason #5. My "good buddy" does not work in the Customer "Care" department, nor does he work with them on any kind of company related tasks/projects.

Reason #6. Last week I told Customer "Care" Member #1 that my name was spelled wrong on the first blackmail envelope. She denied involvement.

Reason #6. The second (blackmail containing) envelope, that I just received, had the correct spelling of my name!!!

Although they keep denying it, I'm convinced they're all in on it.

End of Day
After being harassed in the morning and receiving blackmail in the afternoon; I figured it would only be right for this daily theme to stay consistent throughout the remainder of the day.

Boss #1: "Why is it that you have two monitors and I only ever see you using one?"

Me: "Oh my god, why are you always looking at my screens. I just closed out of a program."

Boss #1: "Yeah."

(Both of my bosses walked passed my desk and headed down the hall.)

Boss #2: "He is trying to look important..."



  1. Just use your time off to come in 30min later one day. When they finally blackmail you again, show your time off sheet and laugh at them. Lol. Next time you do come in late, without time off, they won't question it.

  2. Yes, I like it. Proactively counter the blackmailer(s). Hopefully they won't read this comment section.


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