Thursday, October 8, 2015

Blackmail in the Workplace

Before I begin, please note that the normal working hours at my job are 9AM - 5:30PM. I normally leave work around 5:45PM or later.

However, on Tuesday I decided that I would be leaving work on time. I was a little nervous about leaving at this time, but in reality I wasn't doing anything wrong. There were some people that left at the same time as me and some even left earlier than me.

Anyway, I came into work expecting a riot on my hands for what I had done. Luckily I only had to deal with two or three comments from a select few colleagues.

Around 5PM I was handed an envelope with my name on it (The person who gave it to me said it was mixed up with the other mail). I thought this was pretty strange, considering that I had only gotten a total of two letters in the past two and a half years. Both of which were junk mail.

I cautiously opened up the envelope and unfolded the document inside. It read as follows...

I think I need a new job.


  1. Why would you think it was okay to leave before work actually ends... do you think your better than everyone?!?!?

  2. Okay, thank you everyone. That is enough fighting for one day.


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