Monday, October 5, 2015

Benny R.'s Playdate

I found out today that aside from attending birthday parties, Benny R. also has play dates. His owner provided me details of his fun filled weekend:

What did he do?
Benny R. went on a one and a half hour play date.

Where did he go? 
To his friend Oscar's house.

Oscar from Sesame Street?
No, of course not! Everyone knows Oscar is his real life dog BFF.

The Playdate
During his play date, Benny R. learned a new trick called jumping on the couch. (I'm not sure if he is even allowed to be on the couch, but from the picture it doesn't look like he even cares.)

Even more amazing, he kept bragging to Oscar about this new trick by barking at him. It was obvious that Oscar was getting sick and tired of Benny R.'s bragging and decided to jump on the couch as well. After destroying the furniture, Benny R. & Oscar ran all through the house.

Benny R. was so thirsty after running around that he drank an entire gallon of water. I thought that this would be a lot of water for such a small dog so I decided to Google it.
"A US liquid gallon of water weighs about 8.34 pounds or 3.78 kilograms."

Edit: Benny R. is actually 15 lbs, not 8lbs.

Trick #2: Benny R. has the ability of drinking roughly (50%) of his body weight in water.
Normally, dogs this size should only drink approximately eight ounces of water per day. Benny R. prefers to drink sixteen times that.

After running through the house and drinking massive amounts of water, Benny R. was suited up with his outdoor attire. It was time to "play" in the backyard.

At this point in time, Oscar just wanted to be left alone. He had enough of braggin' Benny R.. Unfortunately for him, Benny R. had one more trick up his sleeve.

Using his green vest, Benny R. was able to blend in with his surroundings. Knowing he was camouflaged, Benny R. crept up behind poor Oscar to perform his final trick of the day...

Trick #3: Biting his BFF's ear off!

Upcoming Events For Benny R.
- His Christmas stocking has already been ordered and is coming soon.
- He will be a firetruck in an upcoming parade.
- He will be the "Slinky Dog" from Toy Story in an upcoming party.


  1. Edit: Bentley weights 15lbs so it is 50% of his body weight.

  2. I apologize for the error. Bentley's weight has been corrected.


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