Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Celine Dion Obliterates the Competition

Most of you already know that Celine Dion is by far the best singer ever to walk the face of the earth. However, for those two or three of you who are somehow still not convinced, just watch the "We Are The World" video below. If you don't have time to watch all eight minutes & thirty-two seconds of this video, please allow me break it down for you.

0:00 - 1:03 - The guy from the movie Annie speaks to the viewers.

1:30 - 3:50 - A bunch of amateurs try to sing (Josh Groban is the lone bright spot).

3:51 - 4:00 - Celine Dion absolutely DESTROYS Lionel Ritchie. If you look carefully, you'll notice Lionel trying to sing, but Celine's voice easily overpowers him. I felt bad at first, but honestly in a competition like this, she had no choice but to make an example out of him. You just don't mess with Celine.

Fact: Contestants who go head-to-head against Celine Dion get SLAUGHTERED ONE HUNDRED PERCENT of the time. No exceptions.

4:01 - 4:03 - Some random lady decides that it's her turn for a solo. Apparently she didn't get the memo about what had just happened to Lionel Ritchie. Or maybe she was just dazed from the very bright, indoor sunlight. Either way kids, the lesson here is DO NOT MESS WITH CELINE DION!!!

4:03 - 4:04 - Celine Dion (Thinking): The time for childish games is over.

4:04 - 4:07 - From an entirely different room, Celine Dion belts out a devastatingly angelic, earth shaking note; simultaneously stunning the audience and putting the terrible sunglassed woman to shame. 

4:07 - The conductor waves his hand, signaling to the other contestants that Celine is the clear winner of the "We Are the World" competition and hands down the best singer in the entire world.

4:08 - 8:32 - Being that no one else is willing to face Celine one on one, the rest of the song is performed as a group.

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