Monday, October 19, 2015

Thank You Letter From Benny R.

I arrived home from work today only to find that my dog and I had received a letter in the mail. Who was it from, you ask? From none other than the one and only Benny R.!!! I opened up the envelope and found the following:

Despite only being one year old, Benny R. was able to order personalized thank you cards, write a paw-written letter, find the address to my home, buy stamps and mail out this letter. He can even express gratitude (as shown above). This dog is just incredible!

Benny R. Skills
- Hosting birthday parties.
- Having play dates.
- Using the U.S. Postal Service.

I honestly can't even predict what he'll do next.


  1. First of all, I love these posts describing the adventures of Benny R! He is an inspiration to us all. If a dog can go above and beyond the limits of a typical dog to host parties and do fantastic things, then anybody can. Also, the dog may be 1, but that's in human years. Technically he is 7 years old in dog years. Get your facts straight ! Keep those Benny R. adventures coming!

  2. Oh my god. It looks like we have a huge Benny R. fan here. I'm assuming you voted for more Benny R. adventures?


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