Sunday, October 11, 2015

Chicken Parm Stromboli!!!

Every Sunday night I make my Monday, Tuesday and Thursday lunches for work. Normally, my lunch consists of something with grilled chicken in it. Why? The grocery store I go to usually has boneless skinless chicken breasts on sale (today was buy one and get one free, so I'm good for next week too). Also, chicken is a HEALTHY choice.

The reason I stress the word HEALTHY, is because my colleagues always tend to question my eating habits. Therefore, I always make it a point to show them the healthy/nutritional foods that I eat. Aside from questioning my food choices, they also insult the meals that I make for lunch. Here are a few examples:

"I didn't want to say anything but... [insert negative comment here]."
"That looks like Penne pasta stuck together."
"That looks disgusting!"
"Ughh, what is that!?"
"Is that chicken even cooked?"
"That chicken is raw!"

Blah, blah, blah.

To show them up this week, my (chef) uncle stopped by for the weekend and helped me put together some Chicken Parm Stromboli!

 FULLY COOKED chicken parm in a stromboli. It doesn't get much better than that.

I can't wait to go to work tomorrow and see how jealous everyone is when I "casually" show them my lunch. I hope they don't get too upset.

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