Tuesday, October 13, 2015


I am called many different things on a daily basis. One of my colleagues suggested that I make a post listing all my nicknames.  Just off the top of my head, here is a short list of things people call me (in no particular order):

- Jerk
- Little Jerk
- Friggen Jerk
- Little Girl
- Dumb***
- Ba***ard
- Golden Boy
- The Executioner
- Grim Reaper
- Richy Rich
- Lady
- Jimmy
- The Oracle
- Dr. Doom
- Moron
- Son of a B***h
- Oracle
- Stupervisor
- King Joffrey
- Golden Child
- Baby Jesus

I have no idea where these names come from, but I feel like I hear a new one at least every week. I don't know why, but calling me these names just brings people joy.

If I missed any, feel to let me know in the comments below (I know some people who will be more than happy to add to this list).

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