Friday, October 2, 2015

The Blue Shirt

I normally wear either white or light blue dress shirts to work and I usually have the same five shirt rotation throughout the week.

(Currently reading this to my mom)
Mom: "Don't admit that. You should have more clothes." "People are going to think you only have five shirts."


Mom: "You're not going to put that are you?"

One of my weekly shirts was too wrinkled so I found another shirt in my closet and decided to wear that one instead. It is a similar color to the one on the right.

I put it on and headed to work, not really thinking much into it.  

Worst mistake of my life.

Colleague #1: "Is that a new shirt?"
Colleague #2: "New shirt?"

Me: "No"

(Argument over the shirt.)
Colleague #1: "Is that like a Royal Blue."
Colleague #2: "No it's an Indigo."

9:05AM - 5:30PM
Colleague #3: "Look at you in your bright blue shirt."
Colleague #3: "That's a power shirt."
Colleague #4: "I like your shirt."
Colleague #5: "That's a nice shirt."
Colleague #6: "Woah, nice shirt!"
Colleague #12: "That's the shirt of a leader."
Colleague #1: "You look like you lost weight."
Colleague #7: "You look dashing today."
Colleague #8: "You and Colleague #9 are soulmates. You have the same color shirt."
Colleague #7: "You look like a police officer."
Colleague #10: "Aww, look how cute that shirt is."
Colleague #7: "You look beautiful today."
Colleague #11: "You look so handsome today."
Colleague #3: "Take your blue shirt elsewhere."
Colleague #7: "Look at him with his grandpa pants."

After a long day of harassment I finally arrived home...

Mom: "That's a nice outfit you have on. Where did you get it?"



  1. There's no colleague # 9 as your post this colleague you speak of your soulmate?


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