Friday, October 9, 2015

Ungrateful Colleagues

I stopped to get a Sausage, Egg & Cheese on a Plain Bagel at Dunkin' Donuts on Friday before coming to work. While I was there I thought it would be nice to bring in a box of donuts for my colleagues.

Boy, was I wrong.

I dropped off the donuts in the office kitchen area and here are the immediate responses I received: (Please Note: This all happened in a total of fifteen minutes.)

Colleague #1: "Thank you for the donuts"
Colleague #2: "Thank you for the donuts"
Colleague #3: "You should have gotten two boxes"
Colleague #4: "Where is the coffee?"
Colleague #5: "Where are the glazed?"
Colleague #6: "What about the real donuts? Those aren't real."
Colleague #7: "Where are the coconut?"
Colleague #8: "You didn't get none of the Pumpkin ones, it's fall."
Colleague #9: "I only like bagels. You should know that."
Colleague #10: "How about a healthy alternative to donuts?"
Colleague #11: "He just wants us to die."
Colleague #12: "Hey did you know, in my daughter's school if you can't bring enough snacks for everybody, then don't bother even bringing in anything at all!"
Colleague #12: "I guess when you're in a higher class than everybody else, this is what you for entertainment... bring in a couple donuts and watch peasants like us squabble over it."
Colleague #13: "What a jerk!"
Colleague #14: "Maybe he'll bring in a small bowl of rice next week and watch us all fight for it."
Colleague #15: "I hate him so much..."

Note to future self: Bringing in free donuts for your colleagues is one of the worst things you can do.

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