Thursday, October 1, 2015

The Moroccan Setup

I received the following text from my Mom earlier in the day:

"Would you like to join me at a Moroccan restaurant when you get home?"

When I got home I immediately tried changing her mind.

Me: "Can we get something else?"

Mom: "Moroccan food is good, you'll like it"

Me:  "I'm sure I won't... this is definitely a setup"

Mom: "Have new experiences, try something new, be adventurous."

Me:  "Ughh, every time you say that it ends up bad for me."

Long story short, we ended up going to the Moroccan place.

At the Restaurant
It was a good sign when we walked in the door and there was not one other person in the restaurant.

I sat down and looked at the menu. I immediately noticed there was no hamburger section. There were a bunch of kebabs, salads, soups and mixes of different meats with spices and rice. Shwarma? Fattoush? Harira? Where are the mozzarella sticks?

I went with my gut and just ordered something I thought would be good.

The waitress gave us some appetizers to start. I saw some pita bread, but I couldn't identify anything else on the giant plate.

"Why couldn't we just have stopped at Burger King", I thought.


I decided to eat something that looked like a pepper. It burned my tongue. Luckily I had a bottle of Coke to cool me down.

Mom: "Dip the pita bread in this. Its hummus, its really good."

Thinking I could trust my own mother, I complied.

It tasted like sand.

Note to self: never trust your mother.

After verbally showing my dislike for the hummus, my mom immediately shot back.

Mom: "Maybe you should expand your horizons instead of just hamburgers and chicken cutlets, hamburgers and chicken cutlets, hamburgers and chicken cutlets. Pizza, hamburgers & chicken cutlets. Hamburgers, Pizza Hut, and chicken cutlets."

Then our food came.

I was hesitant when I first ordered, but my Moroccan meal turned out to be everything I hoped it would be.


Me: "Is this Morrocan food?"

Mom: "No, it's just for dummies who don't appreciate good healthy food."

The Drive Home
Mom: "See, you found something you liked."

Me: "Nope, you set me up."

Mom: "It wasn't a setup I knew they'd have something you like, like chicken, rice or beef."

(I pulled out my phone and started to type up our conversation.)

Mom: "What? Are you bloggin me now? You little bast**d..."

Later That Night

Mom: "Thank you for coming with me. I will never take you again."

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