Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Amazing Achievement By My Candy Crush Colleague

Although she is now retired, I must write this post about one of my colleagues.

During lunch time, I used to play this game called Candy Crush with one of my co-workers. She would ask me for help on occasion when she couldn't get past a certain level. I would beat a few levels for her from time to time, but after a while she passed the level I was on and I wasn't able to help her anymore.

A few months ago she retired and left me a Wendy's 25 Year Coca-Cola Bottle (Not relevant to the story, but just wanted to share).

Anyway, I just received a message from her letting me know that she is having a great time being retired! She also sent me this picture, which made my day!!!

She made it to level 1,000!!!! EDIT: I was just notified that she is now on level 1,008 and still going strong.

I don't know many other people with her level of dedication. I would like to say great job and good luck on the next 1,000!

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