Friday, October 23, 2015

My Review of Pizza Hut's Twisted Crust Pizza!

When I go to Pizza Hut I usually opt for the classic medium pan pizza. Sometimes I get it with ground beef, but most times I just stick with plain. Now don't get me wrong the thin crust is very good; I just happen to prefer the deep dish.

Most of my family and friends know that I like pizza, but I love Pizza Hut (To put things into perspective, the background of my phone is a picture of a pizza hut box).
Being that my obsession is so apparent, it was no surprise when cousin texted me about Pizza Hut's new twisted crust pizza (a large thin crust Pizza with a breadstick crust). I was very excited when I found out about this and I promised him that I'd try it next time I went.

Unfortunately, being that I haven't been to Pizza Hut since, I have not yet been able to fulfill this promise. However, I thought today would be the perfect day, for a few reasons.

#1. Thursday football + Pizza Hut = a great combo.
#2. I could never let a month go by and NOT have Pizza Hut.
#3. So far this week I've had McDonald's on Tuesday and Wendy's on Wednesday. I thought, why not keep the streak alive?

Despite one of my colleague's warnings, "Don't have a heart attack today",  I made the official decision that today would be the day.

Order & Pickup

After work I called Pizza Hut and asked about their new Twisted Crust Pizza. I inquired to see if they had a pan version of this pizza. Unfortunately they did not, and so I was ultimately forced to settle for the thinner crust. I ended up getting one large twisted crust pizza and for an extra dollar they threw in a two-liter bottle of Pepsi, which resulted in a grand total of $13.90.

The Taste Test!
For those of you who don't know, the best part about this pizza is that it features a tearable, dippable breadstick crust. At first, I was a little unsure as to how this would work. I feared that after ripping off the crust, the pizza would become very difficult to eat. However much to my surprise, I tore away some of the bread stick crust and there was still enough crust remaining to actually hold the pizza. GENIUS!

It is important for me to note that the crust had extra special garlic flavoring, which made it taste even more amazing! I then dipped the pizza into Pizza Hut's famous marinara sauce and somehow that combination was even better!

Note: I would still choose the regular breadsticks over the "crust-sticks", as they are softer and more airy. Both are great though.

If you enjoy Pizza Hut pizza and/or breadsticks, make sure you try this new Twisted Crust Pizza. An entire meal complete with two dipping sauces and a two-liter bottle of soda for under $15. This is an outstanding deal that you just can't miss! I would easily give it an 8 out of 10!

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