Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Colleague Quotes #3

To try and feed the demand, here is the third post of colleague quotes. These are a mix of old and new ones for everyone to enjoy.

HR: "Don't give me that look. I'll slap you silly!"

(Given free fast food coupons)
Colleague #1: "A premium salad coupon!? OH MY GOD, I NEED THAT!"
 Colleague #2: "Now I can take my girlfriend out for dinner."

Colleague #1: "It's getting cold in here."
Evil Boss: "Oh, maybe you'd be warmer at home."

Colleague #1: "Maybe [Colleague #2] can sit across from HR's desk and work?"
HR: "He won't make it one day before a pen is stuck in his forehead!"

Colleague #1: (Speaking to her boss for about ten minutes before this) "What do you think?"
Boss: "Oh, I stopped listening a while ago."

Colleague #1: (Talking about our co-worker's wedding) "There is no reason why everyone cannot be there at 6 PM."
Colleague #2: (For no reason) "I can make your life a living HELL!"

Colleague #1: "Do we get a fifteen minute break?"
HR: "Yeah and how about you take the rest of the week off too... Get the hell out of here!!!"

Before you read the next three quotes here is some background information. I asked a colleague of mine if she needed me to show her how to create a pivot table in excel. She was offended and immediately told everyone that I said that she was stupid.

Colleague #1: "My calculator isn't working"
Boss: (As if speaking to a child) "You have to press the buttons..."

Colleague #1: (Walking into the office and looking around.)
Colleague #2: "Are you okay?"
Colleague #1: "Yes, why?"
Colleague #2: "Oh, I thought you couldn't find your desk."

Me: (Working on a project) "Do you have any thoughts on this"
Colleague: "No, I don't have any ideas. I'm stupid, remember? You should've known that already before asking." 

For those who have not read the previous quotes:
10 Memorable Colleague Quotes
10 More Memorable Colleague Quotes

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