Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Company Picnic

The Company Picnic: A time for socializing, eating great food and engaging in fun activities. Unfortunately, that only proves true for 99% of the attendees. For the other 1% (Me) the company picnic only allows for one thing... constant torture.

Starting the day I was very happy, as I was looking forward to partaking in two things that I love; Ping-pong and BBQ. Unfortunately, the day didn't end up unfolding as predicted.

Immediately I went to the food line, where I got my plate of Hamburgers, Hot Dogs, Chicken Wings, Ribs & a Sandwich (Note: Lettuce & Tomato was on the sandwich). Before I sat down at one of the tables, one of my colleague's nicely brought me a bottle of water.

Me: "Thank you"
Other Colleague: "Wow, it's bad enough that you make everyone else do all your work, but now you make them fetch you drinks!?"

Ignoring his comment, I sat down, and before I could eat even two bites I was being yelled at by the Ping-Pong Tournament Director. Apparently, my team was the first to play and we would have to forfeit if I didn't start the game.

I got up from the table and headed to play my first round match. As I left the table I overheard one of my enemies say: "Don't worry we won't do anything to your food..."

I didn't eat the rest of the day.

Despite the wind, unbalanced tables and heckling during the Ping-pong matches from onlookers, opposing teams and my teammate, we ended up winning the tournament! Most would be congratulated with a hand shake to show good sportsmanship. Instead, one of my opponents decided to wind up and slap me on the hand.

At the end of the picnic,  my teammate and I were announced as the winners of the tournament. The host (Part-time HR) also mentioned in the announcement that it was unfair since we both play tennis, therefore we shouldn't have been on the same team. People immediately shot me dirty looks and then they started yelling CHEATER at me. It really helped improve my dangerously low self-esteem.

When the picnic was over I decided to help bring the Ping-Pong tables back inside. I had no idea why, but there were footprints all over the bottom of the table. Every person who passed by had a comment to share with me.

"Why did you ruin the table with your footprints?"
"Why were you walking on the table?"
"Why were you tap-dancing on the table?"

"Can you move any slower?"

After I finished returning the ping-pong tables I came back to the office to find a bunch of colleagues speaking with the CEO.  I expected them to be talking about how fun the picnic was... Nope. Instead, I found them advising the CEO of how I cheated in the ping-pong tournament. He agreed.

Can't wait till next year!

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