Friday, September 18, 2015

A Couple of New Quotes Before I Forget

#1. HR keeps on calling me by his new favorite nickname... "Stupervisor". Every time I do something he asks me if I'm "Stupervising". Over the past week I've heard it about five times per day minimum. It is a great morale boost.

#2. A few colleagues were speaking to each other about being in good graces with the bosses for the time being. They then went on to discuss the roller coaster of good and bad times they've had during their time with the company. Although I didn't say a word, somehow their conversation quickly shifted to speaking about my history at the company.

Colleague #1: (Pointing to me) "Has he ever been in bad graces?"
"What am I saying, he can never do anything wrong..."

Colleague #2: "Yeah, are you kidding me? He's like the baby Jesus of the company!!!"

I left the meeting to go back to my desk where I was greeted with "Hello, Stupervisor"

Note: More and more people keep reading this blog each week. I have been warned that comments will be coming soon.

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