Friday, September 4, 2015

Beginner Farm Tip #1: How to Deal With Critters

As I mentioned in my previous farming post, I was happily growing my plants until they were attacked and eaten by wildlife. I lost six of my corn stalks and one of my sunflowers. However, I've finally had enough of the relentless and unprovoked attacks. The squirrel/chipmunk/rabbit (or whatever the unidentified creature is) onslaught ends today!!!

Meet my new SCAREcrow, Steve!  From this day forward, Steve will be tirelessly working 24/7. Rain or shine, snow or sleet it doesn't matter. Steve will make sure that no wildlife ever comes within even a mile of my crops. The word of Scarecrow Steve will spread quickly among the little forest creature community.

Crop Update: My pea plant is starting to shrivel up. It has enough water and sun, so I'm not sure what's going on. Aside from this, everything else has been growing very well so far and now that I have Steve guarding my plants, I can rest easy.


  1. I need him to scare of all the creeps I keep meeting!

  2. Thank you for your comment. I'm sure we can provide you with your very own Scarecrow Steve, to help deal with those creeps. In addition, for an added fee, Scarecrow Steve can come equipped with a small taser.


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