Sunday, November 1, 2015

2,000 Pageviews Milestone & October Survey Results

Somehow this site has already reached 2,000 total pageviews. The main purpose of this site was originally to document all the craziness that happens to me on a daily basis (despite the fact that I rarely leave my house). However, it seems that many people enjoy these stories (especially when I'm harassed and/or threatened).

Fun Fact (For Gamers): The total number of October pageviews was 1,337 (For those who don't know, 1,337 refers to the term "leet" also known as eleet or leetspeak, is an alternative alphabet for the English language that is used primarily on the Internet - Wikipedia)


Three Most Popular Posts (All Time) 
In reviewing all posts so far, the three most popular ones were as follows:

#1. The Dog Party (Benny R.'s First Birthday) - 132 Pageviews
#2. My Dating Profile (30 Questions) - 43 Pageviews
#3. Speeding Ticket Thursday - 40 Pageviews

October Survey (Results are in)
Before I post the survey results, I have to note the fact that Benny R. Adventures only had one or two votes around the middle of October. In addition, this poll was set up to block repeat voters (by blocking each IP address after the vote has been placed). This is to prevent any one person from voting 1,000 times on a single option. Voters still had the option of selecting multiple categories.

Despite this, Benny R. Adventures shot up from one to two votes all the way up to 35, in only a day!!! I believe it was October 27th. I'm still unsure as to how this happened, but the poll is now closed and the results are as follows:

Reviewing the Results
#1. Benny R. Adventures - 35 Total Votes (72% of voters) 
I believe that the Benny R. Adventures vote was somehow rigged. Although I have no proof, I believe that Benny R.'s owner was somehow involved. Paranoia.

#2. Colleague Quotes & When I'm Harassed or Threatened - 12 Total Votes (25% of voters)
Being that I am verbally abused every single day, I was definitely not surprised to see people voted for more "When I am harassed and/or threatened" posts (It's safe to assume that all 12 votes came from my co-workers).
#3. Pretty Much Everything Else - 3 Total Votes (2% of voters)
Despite the poll results, I've been getting a lot of positive feedback on my vegetables, especially on the "little cucumber". Fast food and farming posts will continue!!!!

If anyone has a good Survey idea for the month of November please let me know in the comments below.

Note: Only APPROPRIATE comments are welcome (You know who you are). Thank you.

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